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Diversity Equity & Inclusion

All Hands In

Compassion-Focused Approach 

Do you want to ensure your workplace enables every individual…


🌿 feels seen, heard, and valued?


🌿 is part of an inclusive supportive community?


🌿 feels psychologically safe in the environment?


🌿 understands the importance of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging?


If the answer is 'yes' then conducting a Diversity Equity & Inclusion review, and embedding an action plan, would be a great next step your school!


Diversity enables mulit-perspectivity, equity creates a fair environment and can help to provide opportunities for individuals who need it, and inclusion helps staff and students  feel a sense of belonging and understanding.. 


Nicola is an experienced and qualified consultant with lived experience, DEI strategist, mental health specialist and trainer with over 15 years experience.

Create a Sense of Belonging

Sensitive to your needs

DEI Consultancy with Nicola, starts with reviewing the current outlook of your organisation, by conducting a formal audit.


We explore how your workspace adheres to supporting the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010; and your approach to cultural sensitivity, amongst other key areas.


Cultural sensitivity, is the awareness, understanding, and acceptance of cultures and cultural identities within your staff and student global majority community. In addition, we review how your environment integrates this into the wider community, including mental health, and the strategic outcomes. 


The whole process is embedded into the BELONG model (developed by Psychologists) using the  following themes:


🌿 Belonging: Do we have a culture of openness in which people can speak up and be themselves?


🌿 Equity: Does everyone have equal opportunity, feel valued and rewarded?


🌿 Leadership: Are senior leaders standing up for DEI and role modelling the right attitudes and behaviours?


🌿 Opportunity: Do people receive fair and respectful treatment? Are we zero-tolerant?


🌿 Normative: Do we actively encourage/create diversity and have representation at all levels?


🌿 Governance: Are people complying, or do we have incidence of bullying, harassment, and discrimination? How are we at handling this?


To support this offer, we also provide therapeutic sessions in Racial Wellness and training in DEIBJ, Racial Literacy and other areas.


To contact Nicola, to arrange an introductory consultation, click on the button below. 


BELONG model

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